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How to report the negotiation status of matched positions and contracts?
Overview If you, as a buyer, have successfully gotten matching offers for your demand and entered the negotiation phase, you have to report the followin...
Requests for Expression of Interest in Offering “Agent-on-Behalf” and “Central Buyers” Services
Overview Requests for Expression of interest in offering “Agent-on-Behalf” services and “Central buyers” services, in the context of the demand aggregat...
What is the Timeline of the Second Mid-Term Matching Round (March 2025)?
The next mid-term matching round will begin on March 12th, 2025. In this round, buyers will be able to submit their demand for discrete six-month periods: S...
How to Subscribe to the AggregateEU Service?
Overview If you already have a PRISMA account, you can subscribe to AggregateEU as an additional service. This subscription will enable you to use the s...
What Are Mid-Term Tenders and How Can You Learn More About Them?
Overview Due to the crisis that unfolded in 2022, the European Commission set out to tackle the issue of security of supply and competitiveness of gas p...
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