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What Are Mid-Term Tenders and How Can You Learn More About Them?
Overview Due to the crisis that unfolded in 2022, the European Commission set out to tackle the issue of security of supply and competitiveness of gas p...
What is LNG?
Overview LNG stands for Liquefied Natural Gas. On AggregateEU, you may participate in LNG Tenders by submitting your gas demand as a buyer or responding...
Why are there no info sheets in mid-term tenders?
Info sheets will no longer be published for mid-term tenders. As you may know, in mid-term tenders, the demand of each buyer becomes a discrete offer to whi...
What Are the Differences Between Short-Term and Mid-Term Tenders?
Overview There are two types of AggregateEU Tender on PRISMA: short-term and mid-term tenders. Although their process is very similar, these tender type...
What Are the Phases of a Tender Process on AggregateEU?
Overview On AggregateEU, the tender is the process whereby gas demand is collected, aggregated and ultimately matched to sell bids. Each tender proce...
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