How to report the negotiation status of matched positions and contracts?

Modified on: Mon, 24 Mar, 2025 at 12:15 PM



If you, as a buyer, have successfully gotten matching offers for your demand and entered the negotiation phase, you have to report the following:

1. the basic details of your concluded contracts;

2. the status of ongoing negotiations - using anticipated values;

3. unsuccessful negotiations that failed to result in a contract - including the reason why such negotiations were not successful;

So, it is your responsibility to keep this information up-to-date and then submit a final report once negotiations have been concluded. To help you do so, if you got matches, you will receive regular reminders to submit such reports and update them. The reporting tool was designed to maximize flexibility. So, it allows you to change your reports without hassle should any new developments occur during negotiation.

NOTE: It is NOT the responsibility of sellers to create such reports.

Scope of Reporting

As previously mentioned, you, as a buyer, only need to submit these reports if you have received matches in a tendering round and started the negotiation process with a seller.

For these purposes, a negotiation is deemed to have started if both of the following two criteria are met:

1. The buyer initiates communication with the seller to explore trading options or the buyer receives communication from the seller to explore trading options;

2. The communication was initiated in relation to a match received through AggregateEU.

These reports will only be used to help us assess the efficacy of AggregateEU and improve its services.

General Instructions

If you wish to submit a report about your negations after April 1st, 2025, please send an email to [email protected] to signal that you wish to report, also indicating your EU Login e-mail and unique identifier. On this basis, you will then be given access to EU Send Web, an IT tool to securely transmit sensitive information to the Commission.

However, if you wish to submit a report about your negations until March 31st, 2025, please do so on PRISMA by following the instructions below:

1. Log into your PRISMA account;

2. Click on AggregateEU on the top blue menu;

3. Click on "Contract Reports;"

4. Then, click on "Create Contract Report";

On the report creation page, you will be asked to provide more details. The information to be provided depends on whether you are reporting:

1. a concluded contract;

2. a contract still under negotiation;

3. an unsuccessful negotiation which did not result in a contract;

4. a withdrawn contract, i.e. a contract that was (a) unexpectedly canceled before its execution or (b) reported by mistake (user error).

The steps for each of these cases are provided in more detail below.

1. Concluded Contract

If you want to report a concluded contract, you should enter the following details:

1. Buyer: in general, this is your company. However, other options will be available if you have set up a list of companies for which you act as a Central Buyer. So, in case you are acting as a Central Buyer, you can use this field to select the list of companies on behalf of which you are acting. In case you are acting on behalf of your own organization, you can leave this field with the pre-filled “My Company.”

2. Seller: in this field, select the company with which you have entered negotiations and concluded a contract. You may only select seller companies that have made a matching offer to you.

3. Gas Quantity: enter here the gas amount in MWh you have contracted. 

4. Contract Runtime Start: enter the start of the delivery period stated in your contract.

5. Contract Runtime End: enter the end of the delivery period stated in your contract.

6. Location: the National Balancing Point of LNG Location at which the contract delivery will take place. If you've concluded a LNG contract, please specify the LNG terminal.

7. Contract Status: to report a concluded contract, select "Contracted."

8. Assessment of Conditions: indicate which option best characterizes the terms of your contract:

a. Very Competitive Conditions;

b. Competitive Conditions;

c. Less Competitive Conditions;

d. Not Competitive Conditions.

9. Remarks: use this field to provide additional feedback regarding your contract or the AggregateEU process in general.

10. Submit: click on "Submit" to send out your report.

2. Ongoing Negotiations

You need to report the status of ongoing negotiations. Since the details are still inconclusive in this case, please estimate the likely outcome of these negotiations. Then, once the negotiations are concluded, you can update your contract report with final data.

To submit a report about an ongoing negotiation, these are the steps you must complete:

1. Buyer (not seen in the screenshot below): in general, this is your company. However, other options will be available if you have set up a list of companies for which you act as a Central Buyer. So, in case you are acting as a Central Buyer, you can use this field to select the list of companies on behalf of which you are acting. In case you are acting on behalf of your own organization, you can leave this field with the pre-filled “My Company.”

2. Seller: in this field, select the company with which you have entered negotiations. You may only select seller companies that have made a matching offer to you.

3. Gas Quantity: enter here the gas amount in MWh you expect to be contracted. 

4. Contract Runtime Start: enter the anticipated start of the delivery period.

5. Contract Runtime End: enter the anticipated end of the delivery period.

6. Location: the National Balancing Point of LNG Location at which you anticipate the contract delivery to take place. If you've conducting LNG negotiation, please specify the likely LNG terminal.

7. Contract Status: to report an ongoing negotiation, select "Contract in Negotiation."

8. Assessment of Conditions: indicate which option you predict will best describe the terms of your contract:

a. Very Competitive Conditions;

b. Competitive Conditions;

c. Less Competitive Conditions;

d. Not Competitive Conditions.

9. Remarks: use this field to provide additional feedback regarding the negotiation process or AggregateEU in general.

10. Submit: click on "Submit" to send out your report.

3. Unsuccessful Negotiation That Did Not Result in a Contract

If your negotiations turned out to be unsuccessful and didn't result in a contract, please submit a report, stating the reason:

1. Buyer (not seen in the screenshot below): in general, this is your company. However, other options will be available if you have set up a list of companies for which you act as a Central Buyer. So, in case you are acting as a Central Buyer, you can use this field to select the list of companies on behalf of which you are acting. In case you are acting on behalf of your own organization, you can leave this field with the pre-filled “My Company.”

2. Seller: in this field, select the company with which you have entered negotiations. You may only select seller companies that have made a matching offer to you.

3. Gas Quantity: enter here the gas amount in MWh you expected to contract. 

4. Contract Runtime Start: enter the negotiated start of the delivery period.

5. Contract Runtime End: enter the negotiated end of the delivery period.

6. Location: the National Balancing Point of LNG Location at which the contract delivery was supposed to take place. If you've conducting LNG negotiation, please specify the relevant LNG terminal.

7. Contract Status: to report an unsuccessful negotiation, select "Negotiation Unsuccessful."

8. Assessment of Conditions: Not Applicable in this case.

9. Remarks: use this field to provide additional feedback regarding the failed negotiation process or AggregateEU in general. In case of an unsuccessful negotiation, this field is mandatory.

10. Submit: click on "Submit" to send out your report.

4. Withdrawn Contracts

If you have reported a contract or negotiation by mistake or the concluded contract unexpectedly failed to be executed, please edit the report to reflect the new status.

To withdraw a report, do as follows:

1. Change the input in the "Contract Status" field to “Contract Withdrawn;”

2. In the Remarks field, please state the reason for the withdrawal;

3. Click on "Submit."

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