When the demand collection phase ends, all demands are transmitted to DG ENER to be analyzed. They may exclude demands from the process if they deem it necessary.
After they review the demands, PRISMA publishes a final demand aggregation info sheet. This info sheet contains the total demand aggregation at specific locations for certain periods of time.
At your own discretion, you may decline to participate in the subsequent tendering and matching process. In other words, you can remove your demand from the report.
Although it is possible to withdraw your demand before the demand is aggregated, it is highly advisable that you wait until this moment to leave the process, since, in some countries, you're required to participate in the demand aggregation process.
To decline to participate in the subsequent phases, do as follows:
1. Log into your account;
2. Click on "AggregateEU" on the top blue menu;
3. Then, click on "Demands" in the white bar below;
4. Now, click on "My Information Sheets;"
5. Finally, go to the tile of the tender (location and month) you'd like to decline and click on "Decline;"
You will then be asked to confirm your decision: